What is Mirepoix
What is a Mirepoix
M irepoix is the French name for a combination of onions, carrots and celery.
Mirepoix consists of the following:
- Carrot ( 1Part - 25% )
- Onion ( 2 Pars - 50% )
- Celery ( 1 Part - 25% )
A white Mirepoix is used when making a white stock . It is a lighter version of the Mirepoix.
Carrots are not added and are replaced by turnips or parsnips and at times can be replaced by mushrooms.
A typical white Mirepoix consists of the following :
- Onion ( 2 Parts - 50% )
- Celery ( 1 Part - 25% )
- Parsnips or Turnips (1 Part - 25% )
Other Mirepoix :