What is diabetes??

 What is diabetes??

Diabetes :

  •  Diabetes is a condition in which the body cannot control the levels of sugar , resulting in high blood glucose levels 
  •  The body supply of energy comes from digested food such as bread,  maize,  pap, potatoes,  rice,  milk,  honey,  sugar,  fruits and vegetables 
  •  The foods are broken down into glucose.  The glucose is taken by the blood to the different parts/ cells of the body and provides the necessary energy for these cells 

Types of diabetes:

Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 

  •  Type 1 diabetes is mostly commonly diagnosed in people under the age of 30
  •  The beta cells in the pancreas no longer produce any insulin and therefore these individuals must inject insulin and blood glucose levels within the acceptable range 
  •  This is referred to as an absolute insulin deficiency. 
  • Insulin is a protein and therefore must be injected,  it cannot be taken orally because it is destroyed by the digestive juices in the stomach before it can be used 

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 

  •  Usually occurs in older patients but is increasing in children adolescents and young adults 
  •  People who are overweight,  relatively inactive or have a relative with type 2 diabetes Mellitus are more susceptible to type 2 diabetes 
  •  As type 2 diabetes is a progressive condition,  treatment usually begins with exercise and changes in diet.  After a while insulin therapy may be needed to achieve and maintain good blood sugar control. 

Symptoms of diabetes ( main symptoms of diabetes)

  •  Increase frequency in urination 
  •  Excessive thirst 
  •  Unexpected feelings of weakness and exhaustion
  •  Weight loss
  •  Blurred vision 

Try to Avoid: 

  •  Fatty meats
  •  Full fat dairy products 
  •  Processed meats like salami and sausages 
  •  Snack foods like chips 
  •  Takeaway foods especially deep fried products 
  •  Pastries,  biscuits and cakes 


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